Item number K205,


You ID: US-418-372

Item number K205

Item Number K205 was formally educated in France and worked as the head Account for a firm in France. She speaks multiple languages and is fluent in at least four. She joined the Organization shortly after transferring to the United States. She focuses on improving himself and physical self-development. For additional information, please request through the Local Regional Dom.

The Organization

We want to take this opportunity to say thank you for attending one of our events. If you cannot identify an item with your specific needs, please inquire with your Local Master Dom.


-Height: 67 inches

-Weight: 158 lb.

-Sex: Female

-Education: Accounting

-Likes: BDSM, Kink, Cook, Clean, Travel

-Sexual Orientation: FM, FF+, FT

Item number K205

If the item is unavailable, would you like us to inform you when available?

STATUS of waitlist:

Item K205

Item Number K205 is No longer available. Please check back with your local Regional Dom for any additional information.

Item K205

Item K205

Item K205

Item K205

The Following items may still be available

We apologize for the slim selection at this time. We are working extremely hard to increase the number of items available for our next event. Please check back with us at your earliest convenience as our supplies are constantly changing.

The Following items may still be available

We apologize for the slim selection. Please work with your Local Master Dom to help locate what you are looking for.

Items from this section are No longer available

Please work with your Local Master Dom to help locate what you are looking for.

Items from this section are No longer available

Please work with your Local Master Dom to help locate what you are looking for.

The Following items are not available to you

Please work with your Local Master Dom to help locate what you are looking for.

Item A269

Item B714

Item G274

Item E603

Item F453

Item L782

Items from this section are No longer available

Please work with your Local Master Dom to help locate what you are looking for.